Who is JQD?
Mark Underhill
Hey, I’m Mark and I created JQD Mirror. I’ve been using Reason since 2009 and I used to call myself Reason JunQee. From the very beginning I was interested in MIDI controllers and I bought the Nektar Panorama when it first came out and started my YouTube Channel “Nektar JunQee”.
When I started working on this project I decided to change the “JunQee” to JQ and added the “D” for “Designs” and so “JQD”.
I have been a computer programmer since I was in 5th grade in 1978 (whoooa). I worked in the Internet and software industry for years and eventually I owned a small, early phase SAAS company from 2007 until 2014 and …. well …. let’s just say we didn’t sell it for VC money and when it basically imploded I took a different route with less stress and became a digital nomad.
My love for making music never stopped but travelling I had to stay light and controllers were always leaving me empty. I was looking for the “holy grail” and kept winding up with cheap plastic cups — until I learned about Hexler’s TOSC platform to develop MIDI templates for touchscreen and then I created the controller which was everything that I had always wanted and more.
The Mirror has changed the way I interact with the SSL and I’m hoping that other Reason users are as happy with it as I am.
It’s my plan to continue to improve it but also expand into a set of rack devices as well in 2022 and beyond.