How JQD Mirror Works
The process of setting up Mirror is in some ways like you would set up a hardware controller except instead of having a physical device you have software that runs on your touch controller.
Mirror communicates with Reason using Reason Remote files just like a hardware controller. These are installed one time just as you would with a physical controller. After you run the installer, Mirror shows up in your MIDI preferences exactly as any other physical controller would.
On your touchscreen device you will install a third party app first. Mirror is Not a stand-alone App. It is a template file and set of scripts built on top of the app “TouchOSC” by Hexler LTD. Their app allows for MIDI and control data to transmit from handheld devices to your PC. TouchOSC has been around for over 10 years but became more robust in 2021 and allowed for the creation of sophisticated templates like Mirrror.
JQD is not affiliated with Hexler at current and you will need to purchase either the TouchOSC app for Anrdroid or IOS ($10), or purchase a Windows/Mac license($10). A license is not required on the machine which hosts Reason Studios.
Our Mirror template files are then loaded into TouchOSC and are available permanently and immediately each time you open their app.