JQD Mirror is Now Free. Download it here. If you appreciate it please donate!
Please Make Sure to read regarding the $10 for touchOSC by Hexler.
If you are interested in why I moved from a “for sale” model you can click here.
Regarding TouchOSC from Hexler
The purchase of Touch OSC is required to run Mirror on Android or iOS. Click Here to check it out at their site. The cost is $10 and I can not refund this and we are not currently affiliated with them.
There is about a 5% chance that the full SSL/Rack JQD Mirror will not run on your combined system. I don’t have any way to predict this. I wish I could.
However, the “Big Transport” is far less memory intensive and works on all devices I have heard of so you will at least get a transport controller for your $10 (to Hexler) which is pretty cool to have on your phone!
If the $10 cost of TOSC is troublesome in the event that Mirror does not perform well on your device, or other reasons please do not download.
Big Transport: Every Reason Transport at the touch of your fingers.
Windows Users download the full, unlimited JQD Mirror SSL and Mixer plus the Big Transport and Kong here:
The linked zip file includes an installer for MIDI codecs and maps as well as complete files and instructions for self-installation of the codecs and maps plus template files and installation instructions for TouchOSC on your mobile or tablet. If you have any trouble installing, email me! JQDsoftware@gmail.com I will try my best to get you set up.
Mac Users download here:
The linked zip file includes MIDI maps and Codecs for Reason with installation instructions plus template files and installation instructions for TouchOSC on your mobile or tablet. If you have any trouble installing, email me! JQDsoftware@gmail.com I will try my best to get you set up.
All Users:
Setting JQD mirror is a multi-step process (part on your PC, Part on your device). Make sure to read the installation instructions. or use the installation videos that I have for both Mac and PC. It’s not a typical install process but I think it’s worth it!
If you like it, please consider donating through Paypal!